Vertigo 2 Bottomless Update

Vertigo 2

Vertigo 2 is a single-player VR adventure. Explore the depths of the vast Quantum Reactor as you descend to finish your journey home.

If you haven't heard yet: the bottomless update has three key features, all of which are focused on replayability and long term enjoyment. [b]Mutators[/b] bring major gameplay modifications that can be mixed and matched. Some mutators make the game harder, some make it easier, and some are just silly. [b]Alternate Playable Characters[/b] let you replay the campaign as Brian, Officer 13, or Nani. Each of them have major unique abilities and attributes that change up the experience of playing through the game a second, third, or fourth time. [b]The Level Editor[/b] gives you complete freedom to build your own levels or play the ones the community has shared. A flexible and intuitive in-VR level editor makes this easy, no SDK or modding experience required. Here's a short trailer to celebrate the launch! [previewyoutube=08HGb0U6iiw;full][/previewyoutube] A longer trailer from last week goes over the new features in detail: [previewyoutube=DW6Tr5viaIE;full][/previewyoutube] Full update changes: New features: [list] [*] Added Mutators: [list] [*] Enemy Randomizer - All enemies are replaced with a random different enemy. Does not apply to bosses. [*] Reactor Roulette - Weapon is randomized every 30 seconds, and after you get a kill. [*] Double Vision - All enemies are doubled (except bosses). [*] Left 5 Dead - A red handyman is spawned every time you kill an enemy. [*] Big Head Mode - All enemy and NPC heads are enlarged (except enemies without well defined heads). [*] Frankquito - Frank will accompany you through the entire game (except when Frank is already in a level). [*] Glass Cannon - Enemy health is reduced by 80%. Your health is also reduced by 80%. [*] Bullet Time - Slow time whenever you like by pulling the trigger on your non-dominant hand. [*] Turbo Mode - Game speed increased by 30%. [*] Sk8r Girl - All surfaces have ice physics. [*] Equal and Opposite - Firing guns and taking damage propels you. Motion sickness warning. [*] Nightcore - All music is converted to nightcore. [*] God Mode - You are immune to all damage. May cause soft locks, e.g. when falling into a pit that should kill you. [*] Infinite Ammo - Infinite ammo in belt. Reloading still required. [*] Infiniter Ammo - Shooting guns no longer consumes ammo. [/list] [*] Added Alternate Playable Characters [list] [*] Brian [list] [*]Faster movement [*]Slower teleporting [*]Higher jumping [*]Ammo + health pickups instead of synthesizer [/list] [*] Officer 13 [list] [*]Higher Health [*]Holographic HUD [*]Supply Drops [/list] [*] Nani [list] [*]Levitation [*]Telekinesis [*]Magic attacks [*]Higher recoil [/list] [/list] [*] Added Level Editor [list] [*]Create levels in VR using environments from the campaign and almost any prop or enemy [*]Share your levels online [*]Download and play community levels [/list] [/list] Game balance changes: [list] [*] Buffed Gordle Pun damage [*] Nerfed Nostalgic Pistol damage [*] Buffed Annihilator Prototype damage [*] Buffed Finger Gun damage and reduced its recoil [*] Nerfed Igneosaur [list] [*] Shield now only takes 1 grenade to break unless playing on Hard difficulty [*] Will no longer spam the fire laser as much in phase 1 [/list] [*]Nerfed Great Sea combat section [list] [*] Boats now have less health [*] Number of waves reduced when not playing on Hard difficulty [/list] [*]Buffed Hummingbird [list] [*] Movement speed increased [*] Attack speed increased [*] Health slightly increased [*] Armor health increased [/list] [*]Buffed Seer [list] [*] Attack speed increased [*] Increased tracking [*] Health of small eyes decreased [*] Reduced damage when shooting big main eye [/list] [*]Buffed Cyberjoseph [list] [*] Increased damage of fist attacks [*] Increased speed of some attacks [/list] [*]Degenerate Matter pyramid locks can no longer be speedrun, nearby enemies must be defeated before unlocking [/list] Bug fixes: [list] [*]Fixed softlocks in The Seer boss fight [*]Fixed Entropy Accumulator mod not doing full triple damage [*]Fixed some weird navmeshes in Deep Labs that were causing cyberjoes to spawn inside rocks [*]Fixed lighting issues on raindrops [/list] Miscellaneous changes: [list] [*]Updated Unity Engine and OpenVR plugin, increasing performance across the board [*]Moved spectator options from desktop window to the VR pause menu [*]Optimized performance of oceans [*]Added graphics setting for ocean quality [*]Added option to use artificial crouching without seated mode [*]Added new achievements for completing the game as the alternate characters [*]You will now be able to skip cutscenes on any save slot after watching them once [/list] Note: the new content has not yet been localized and is only available in English. Localization will be coming soon.