Versus, Is a New Mode! - DreadHaunt Early Access Update 2023-11-21


Join the hunts as 3-5 agents in this multiplayer Co-op & PVP about horror and deception. One of you will be possessed then become a ghost, and the others must survive the haunting!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42513571/c4eeadcd1eaa7c992126bc6eed88d743a8d26744.jpg[/img] Hello agents, Today we have updated DreadHaunt to version EA-20231121 which contains: [h2]Versus Mode[/h2] One major feature in this update is the introduction of [b]Versus Mode[/b], where the game will skip deception part and goes straight to PVP chaos along with adjustment to game rules & mechanism. Check it out yourself! (and if you bring friends, test your friendship) This mode is still fresh from our oven so if you have any feedback, or experiencing any bugs/glitches, please don't hesitate to reach us out. [h2]More Localization Options[/h2] We're adding Russian, and Spanish into the language selections. Please be note that Localization is always [b]work in progress[/b] and some words may be not translated yet. [h2]Fixes, here and there[/h2] We have squashed some bugs based on your reports and our internal testing. you can check the patch notes at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all the head office has to offer you, agents. Thank you for reading and see you on the field. [h3]PS[/h3] Arrange a match with fellow DreadHaunters: Suggestions thread to help us shape DreadHaunt: