Version2 fixed

Super Roboy Playtest

Hello everyone! Thanks to a handful of helpful testers, I’ve changed the gameplay in the following ways: 1. Difficulty – the game was way too difficult! Roboy’s HP is now multiplied by 1.5, his experience points are doubled with each pickup, and implemented some other small changes, like the bosses’ ammo now being destroyed on impact. 2. Upgrades – I added a “dash” upgrade, collectible after defeating one of the big robots. This should add an extra layer tot the fighting, as well as making it easier to traverse through the level. 3. Small extra changes – Too many to list, but for example, the map looks a bit different. 4. Bugs – a few bugs popped up, and I tried to take out as many as possible. 5. Controllers – there were some controller issues I hope are sorted out now! The playstation controller proved to be so buggy I left it out altogether, especially since a few players (oddly enough) found the control scheme to be similar tot the Xbox one. Other helpful tips included fast travel, improved animations and a lot more. While I am going to implement some if this stuff later (like a more interesting in-game menu), most of these either I tried and didn’t like the outcome, or it’ll simply be too much work for a solo dev like me (like updating Roboy’s animations). I really don’t expect anyone to play the game all over again, but I’d be happy if you tried this version as well. I believe you can update it in Steam; if that doesn’t work, simply remove this version and re-install the playtest. Thanks again! Vince