An action adventure about a ghost’s journey through the afterlife. Possess enemies and the environment and fend off hostile spirits in pursuit of starry fragments from a past life.
[*]added shop, star pedestal, and various icons to the map
[*]added star hint text to the map (for stars you haven't collected yet)
[*]improved in-game cursor
[*]added toggle for windowed mode
[*]added accessibility setting for disabling camera lens / distortion effects
[*]balance Eternian turrets
[*]balance fireworks gun
[*]added skip button to intro cutscene
[h2]Known issues[/h2]
[*]can un-haunt while map is open
[*]some funky UI behavior when in window mode and window is stretched to non 16:9 ratio
You can preview these changes now by switching to the beta branch. We'll continue testing and move it over to the main branch once it's ready!