Leadwerks Game Engine is the easiest way to make 3D games and VR experiences. Learn everything you need with our comprehensive tutorials. Build games with the world's most intuitive game development system. Sell your games with a royalty-free license or share them with the world for free.
An update for Leadwerks Game Engine 4.5 has been pushed out on Steam. The following fixes have been made:
[list][*]View projection for Oculus Rift VR headset is fixed.
[*]Added VR.AButton, VR.BButton, VR.GripAxis for improved compatibility with Oculus Touch controllers.
[*]Fixed terrain collision bug.
[*]Added missing Workshop toolbar icons on Linux.
[*]Fixed script editor not opening on Linux.
[*]Fixed LoadAnimation bug.
[*]Fixed missing fall damage on player controller.[/list]
This update is available now to all users.