Version Patch #2 Update

I doesn't exist - a modern text adventure

Classic Zork meets Existential Crisis. A modern text adventure that explores themes of control, isolation and mental health while levelling up the genre with beautiful pixel art.

[u][i][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/i][/u] [h3]Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed some words in Spanish being misinterpreted [*] Visual fixes [*] Further fixes to input field not working [*] Fixed issue with the bucket inventory text [*] Fixed an issue with the campfire [*] Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck during riddles [*] Fixed an issue where restarting would break things [*] Fixed some issues related to endings [*] Fixed some spamming issues [/list] [hr][/hr] Also, please post any issues you come across or feedback you may have in the [url=][b]Discussion Forums[/b][/url] here on Steam or in our [url=][b]Publisher Discord[/b][/url] using the appropriate channels.