Unknown Castle is a puzzle adventure, where you explore your old family castle, controlling 2 characters helping each other.
[h2]Unknown Castle was updated to version 2.0.0![/h2]
[h3]Widescreen support[/h3]
Because of the size of the game rooms, in fullscreen the sides of the screen were always black. But now there is optional widescreen support! You can use F9 to enable it. However, it might not be the best choice if you are playing in multiplayer.
Some of the menus were edited so that they work better in widescreen.
[h3]New cool mouse cursor[/h3]
Added a different image (sprite) for mouse (Press F8 if you want to disable it)
[h3]Bug fixes and other improvements[/h3]
- Now the player or enemies can't move when there is a pop up question
- When pressing "No" in pop up question in the menu it could accidentally press also some menu button. Now it's fixed.
- Other small improvements
- Thanks to improved code and an update in game engine, the download size of the game is slightly smaller
There is also a sale now (or soon?), so it’s a good chance to start exploring this unknown castle!