Version - User Experience Update/ Removed Christmas Event !! Bug Fixes: Fixed Move to Cauldron Text Overlapping. Fixed Devotion Globe not turning of Invocations. Fixed BowCrafting Quick Invocations being shown by default. Fixed BeastMastery Experience bar clipping. Fixed Missing Circle Progress Border on trees. Skill Information UI Realted Fixes. Fixed Crafting , Pottery Crafting Levels being cut off. Fixed Imbuing , Imbued Slates Imbuing Levels being cut off. Fixed Magic , Weapons Magic Levels being cut off. Fixed Smithing , Tools, Arrows, Other Levels being cut off. Fixed Attack, Weapons Attacked Levels being cut off. Fixed Foraging , Multiple Foraging Level being cut off. Fixed Multiple text issues. Fixed Beastmastery , Multiple UIs clipping Level requirements. Fixed BowCrafting , Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed Smithing, Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed Fishing, Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed Woodcutting, Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed Firemaking, Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed Tracking, Multiple UIs Clipping. Fixed BM Store Disabling 2X Boss Reward instead off setting to purchased. Updates: Removed Santa , Santas Chest, Removed Snowball Drops.