Version 1.5 of Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is Live!

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption

Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption is a humorous fantasy role-playing adventure game by Lori and Corey Cole, creators of the acclaimed Quest for Glory series. As the Rogue Shawn O'Conner, players will make friends, explore a haunted castle, and use their Rogue skills for fun and profit.

[h1]Version 1.5 of Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption released![/h1] We have just released Version 1.5 of Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption. This is a small change in nomenclature – We might have called it Patch 5 previously – but it contains some big quality of life improvements to the game. [url=]Graphical version of this announcement.[/url] Version 1.5 includes: [list] [*] Added a version label to the Start Menu, especially for GOG players who do not get automatic updates. [*] Fixes to the “pacifist” route against the Wraith King. [*] Using the Null runestone against the Wraith King will now behave more logically. [*] Thomas can only be given the One and Only Ring once. [*] Cleaned up an inconsistency with “Lockpicking” and “Tool Use” in the user interface. [*] Improved appearance of the Tentacle Monster. [*] Tweaked sound effects and particle effects on monsters. [*] Fix combat bug with traps and messages not reporting the same damage amount. [*] The Cloaker in the Catacombs now properly registers as magical. [*] Only allow Shawn to greet the Librarian once per day. [*] Fixes to bulk sales of the Dried Fish and Empty Wine Bottles. [*] Tweak to early game quests and sound effects. [*] Fix nonsensical tooltips for some late-game monsters. [*] Hundreds of typos and minor scripting bugs, pointed out by our players on Steam and on the forums. Thanks, everyone! [*] A newer, shinier Tentacle Monster. [/list] Steam will automatically update Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption to the latest build when you start the game.