Version 1.3 Update - Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

Signed and Sealed With a Kiss

"Raise" your own perfect boyfriend in this visual novel-stat raiser. Will you fall in love or will you say goodbye?

[h1]Version 1.3 Update[/h1] Thank you for your patience! SSWK version 1.3 has been released. If you haven't played or bought the game yet, now is the perfect time to do so. Additionally, if you played the game in the past but didn't like the main character's personality, we'd be happy if you gave the game another try with one of the other three options--after all, this update was made for you! [b]Change log:[/b] [list] [*] 4 MC personality choices: this may affect dialogue, plot, and choice branches to varying degrees [*] 4 new achievements [*] Base Boyfriend can now follow any career to completion [*] 1 additional random event for each personality [i](note: must have mature content enabled)[/i] [*] Additional choices added to several branches [*] New scene variations based on your & BF's names, and some other minor factors [*] Sub/dom options for sexy scenes [i](note that these are not always 1-to-1 variations; we focused on matching the options to the pre-existing CGs)[/i] [*] New choice branches allowing you to stop sexy encounters at certain points [*] ~2-5 hours total of additional content added to the game [*] Several missing/broken pronoun variables have been fixed [*] Many, many typo & grammar fixes [*] Many reworded/rewritten lines for better flow and/or clearer meanings [*] Phone graphic while making various phone calls [*] Color-coded daily diary choices [*] More SFX, screen shakes, etc. added to some scenes [*] Regular text color changed to hopefully be more easily readable [/list] With the size of this update, we expect that there will be missed bugs & typos, and we'd appreciate any user reports on these. We expect to release at least 1 "clean-up" patch for this update by the end of next week, including fixing up a couple of extra text-related changes we wanted to include but didn't have enough time for, so any minor fixes will be rolled into that. We also expect that there will be additional dialogue variations added for MC personalities over time, for the places we felt we didn't have enough time to properly flesh out our ideas. [h1]Kickstarter Campaign[/h1] We’d also like to announce that we’ll be holding a fairly basic, straightforward [url=]Kickstarter campaign for SSWK[/url] starting on May 18th or 19th. We’d like to raise the funds to hire assistant writers to speed up the process of making the necessary compatibility changes to the Expansion Pack so we can release it ASAP, without the huge delays 1.3 faced due to the game's structural changes. * If you've already purchased the game, there's no particular benefit to ordering it again on Kickstarter -- they will not be getting any exclusive content, although we will have some returning & brand-new physical goods available there. However, we would greatly appreciate any shares about the campaign on social media once it launches. In the meantime, if you’d like to show your support, you can follow the campaign [url=]right here[/url]! Thank you! [i]* Talking as myself for this explanation: SSWK has essentially been a passion project. Even one year after launch, I am still footing development costs out-of-pocket because of the immense size of the project and comparatively low purchase price. The idea behind the project was always to be an accessible one, so I do not regret pricing it as such, even now. I have /personally/ still not seen a penny for my work and the countless hours I've put into the project due to this, as well, however -- and once SSWK itself is done, we have a previously promised spin-off that will require development. So, even if asking for additional funding this late in development is not a perfect solution, I would highly appreciate your understanding. Thank you.[/i]