Version 1.2a Opening and Puzzle Update

Chess Tools

Learn to play chess with Chess Tools. Learn with tutorials, various tools and learn from many famous games from some of the greatest players!

[b]Opening Tutorials:[/b] Openings are now separated into 4 separate menus: -General -Beginner -Intermediate/advanced -Gambits Added 8 Gambit tutorials: -The King's Gambit -The Stafford Gambit -The Smith Morra Gambit -The Danish Gambit -The Budapest Gambit -Evan's Gambit -The Urusov Gambit -The Vienna Gambit [b]Puzzles:[/b] Created a separate puzzle menu There are now 240 total puzzles, 40 for each category: Opening, Fork, Discoveries, Checkmate, Defensive moves, Endgame You can choose to play any kind or a specific category [b]Find the move:[/b] Reviewed the games of Mikhail's Tal's and Bobby Fischer, made improvements and added extra moves to find. Tal's games - Added 67 more moves to find Fischer's games - Added 89 more moves to find [b]Coming in Version 1.2b:[/b] -Review of Kasparov's and Karpov's games. -More opening tutorials: Ponziani, Dutch Defence, Grunfeld Defence, The Wing Gambit etc. -More puzzle categories -More variants