Learn to play chess with Chess Tools. Learn with tutorials, various tools and learn from many famous games from some of the greatest players!
[b]Opening Tutorials:[/b]
Openings are now separated into 4 separate menus:
Added 8 Gambit tutorials:
-The King's Gambit
-The Stafford Gambit
-The Smith Morra Gambit
-The Danish Gambit
-The Budapest Gambit
-Evan's Gambit
-The Urusov Gambit
-The Vienna Gambit
Created a separate puzzle menu
There are now 240 total puzzles, 40 for each category:
Opening, Fork, Discoveries, Checkmate, Defensive moves, Endgame
You can choose to play any kind or a specific category
[b]Find the move:[/b]
Reviewed the games of Mikhail's Tal's and Bobby Fischer, made improvements and added extra moves to find.
Tal's games - Added 67 more moves to find
Fischer's games - Added 89 more moves to find
[b]Coming in Version 1.2b:[/b]
-Review of Kasparov's and Karpov's games.
-More opening tutorials: Ponziani, Dutch Defence, Grunfeld Defence, The Wing Gambit etc.
-More puzzle categories
-More variants