Version 1.2 is released on Nintendo Switch!

Wunderling DX

Dash, jump, and fly at full speed through Wunderling DX: a non-stop puzzle platformer and the world's first "goomba simulator"! Race against the clock, beat tricky puzzles to uncover shiny secrets, and stomp the odds to please your evil overlord!

Hello fellow Wunderlings! Version 1.2 is finally also out on Nintendo Switch! Here are the patch notes: [h1]Item Randomization[/h1] You can now randomize your equipped items through the [b]Collections[/b] menu! [img][/img] [h1]Miscellaneous[/h1][list] [*]Fixed 5-3 “floating trampoline“ bug [*]Dash the Cow now has some more things to say before rewarding you with a diary page [*]Dash the Cow will now clearly tell you how many chests you need to pass [*]Minor dialogue tweaks and fixes [*]Various minor level tweaks and visual clarity improvements [*]Rebalanced the audio levels of some outlying audio effects [*]Changed the item Eyeglasses to Eyeglass [/list] Stay safe and have a great day!