Version 1.1.0 released

Height Lab

A tool to create height maps and normal maps from hand typed expressions. Save the result as an image for use in your own projects, or use them to create brushes or stamps for your favorite 2D/3D paint program.

[b]Features[/b] [list] [*]Added a layer preview section under the expression text box. This preview displays the layers as an expression, that way it's much easier to see how layers relate to one another and the order they are evaluated. [/list] [b]Fixes and Updates[/b] [list] [*]Renamed the license from "Full" to "STEAM COMMERCIAL". That way the commercial part is more obvious. It says Height Lab is for commercial use in the EULA, but not everyone reads those. [*]A tooltip has been added to the preview area that states you can rotate the model with the left mouse button, the background with the right, and that double clicking resets the rotation. [*]The color change of pressing a button is now more obvious. [*]The OperatorType and OperationOrder drop downs get disabled now if the first layer is selected. This is because the first layer doesn't actually use those options. [*]Controls look disabled when they are disabled now. [*]The template button will now disable when there are no templates. [*]Hand typing the directory into the new project dialog will now create a directory if it doesn't exist. [*]All paths get validated now. [*]Relative paths now work across the board. [*]Hiccups in the progress bar for rendering is fixed. [*]Height and Normal filters are saved into the Template now. [*]Path text boxes no longer grow out of view when selecting long paths. [*]Added more exception handling for file io operations. [/list] [b]Manual Update[/b] [list] [*]Added an explanation for the built in variables x, y, cx, and cy. [*]Renamed Step By Step to Getting Started. [*]Updated art to match new changes to the application. [/list]