Version 1.07 released!

Star Merchant

Star Merchant is a galactic trading sim where you become a space entrepreneur. Buy and sell items, fight pirates, upgrade your ship and try to meet your goal without going broke!

More fixes and tweaks as promised, mainly to fix winning game bug and closing a few loopholes pointed out by users. Changelist: FIX: Corrected some rare issues with winning the game not working properly. Made the check for winning happen both when you choose a planet AND when you exit a planet. TWEAK: Tweaked breaking down and running out of gas to be more penalizing if your ship has higher stats on these and they run out, making it so it isn't far cheaper to just break down or run out of gas vs. keeping them up. TWEAK: If you run out of gas, you only get refilled up to HALF your maximum instead of maximum. TWEAK: Made it so that loan interest cannot go below 3% if you have more than 50,000 in loans. This discourages taking out a bunch of money if the loan interest dips to 1% for a period of time. TWEAK: Made it clearer in the mouseover that buying a ship in the Shipyard replaces your current one. TWEAK: Purchased shipyard vessels now have special abilities twice as often, making them more desirable. Added 5 new ship abilities. TWEAK: Savings and loan interest rates change slightly more frequently. TWEAK: Refactored some sections of code to increase speed by 3%-5%. More major additions in next patch. Enjoy! Derek