上帝之城 I:监狱帝国 [City of God I - Prison Empire]

Hey, boy! I am the Deputy Mayor of Crist City. My secretary has already told you the purchasing price of the wardening position of Pompeii Prison, right? Come on son, make up your mind! There are a lot of people competing for this position. I don’t have time and patience to waste on you!

Fix BUG today: 1. Fixed the problem when going back to the prison from the lcvel, the game would drop frames. 2. Fixed the problem when going back to the prison from the lcvel, there would be a siren sound after the game was paused. 3. Fixed the problem which the military doctor consultant have no actual effect 4. Fixed the problem which the Crist Central Building level could enter the vault from the 26th floor. 5. Fixed the problem which the nuclear fuel in the Tianqi training room would double when it was reopened. optimization: 1. Cancel the show of increasing the effect of all prisoners' mood values. 2. Replace most of the swing locks in the game with password locks. 3. Adjusted the items of the repetitive mission - In exchange for bombs (Repetitive).