A fast-paced third-person shooter with up to eight players. Fight with a variety of 40+ weapons on 40+ maps. Grab a weapon as quickly as possible, whether it is a simple pistol or a viking helmet, and get to killing.
[h1]Version 0.4.0[/h1]
[h2]New Additions[/h2]
[*] Added weapon selection (Customize what weapons spawn)
[*] Host can now adjust map selection and newly added weapon selection in game
[*] Added hitmarker
[*] Added option to end game after player reaches certain amount of wins
[*] Added option for host to end game at anytime while in-game and return everyone to lobby
[*] Removed some turrets from a few of the lava world levels to improve fps
[*] Reduced camera shake for explosions
[*] Upped movement speed when holding melee weapon
[*] If throwing a weapon while looking at the ground, you will now lightly drop it rather than throwing it and having it bounce away