Version 0.3.6

Two Clusters Cold Haven

Nicholas is a mercenary who takes on a seemingly simple job which drags him through more troubles than he expects.

[b]⨭ Added[/b] 1. Nick will have another monologue. 2. A story phase “Stand off” added. This is where you’d choose to side with Aurora if you didn’t choose Cass. Of course, since I am working on Cass route first, the option to side with her will be disabled. 3. John the girl returns as a unique character. If you don’t remember her, exterminating rats in her apartment is the first quest you do in the game. She now has a unique portrait, and her quest arc will veer off the main story. The arc will trigger automatically once you reach a certain point in the main story. Once triggered though, it will veer off as a side quest arc. [b]↹ Changed[/b] 1. There are three large crates stacked together on section C. Those have some sort of LCD panels on them. Those will now blink. 2. A small bug fix with the story. 3. The social panel was all broken when you reach the end of content. Fixed. 4. Fixed a bug where Nick will continue to claim that Cass is nearby when trying to contact her via PMC after their first intercourse. 5. Fat has been removed from the walkthrough. 6. Section B elevator location was a bit … wrong. Corrected. 7. The Kitty cat sign on section B will now flash.