Version 0.2.0

Bone and Arrow

Let your arrows fly (towards friends or enemies)! Hone your skills and join your allies to demonstrate your archery prowess. Work together or against each other to survive in this fantastical world of bones and arrows.

[h1][u]Version 0.2.0[/u][/h1] [h2][u]Pockets[/u][/h2] Should this be a big deal? no. Was it surprisingly hard to implement? yes. [list] [*] Two pockets are now on the player's hips. One left, one right. [*] Only one item type can be stored in a hip pocket at once, but there is no limit to the quantity of the item. [*] Pocket load outs are included in PvP equipment settings. [/list] [h2][u]Inventory Controls[/u][/h2] You change one thing and everything must change. [list] [*] Removing all items from an inventory slot is done with a "long grip press" on the inventory slot instead of trigger and primary button. [*] Pressing the grip button on an inventory slot does not immediately spawn an item. Inventory slot must be gripped and moved away from the slot to spawn an item. This allows for the "long grip press" action and other interactions. [*] Only arrows can be stored in the quiver, and only the smaller support items can be stored in the hip pockets. [/list] [h2][u]Tutorial Update[/u][/h2] Why is this my least favorite thing to update? [list] [*] Tutorial instructions updated to reflect the new inventory controls. [*] Made the cannon go boom! [/list] [h2][u]Shenanigans[/u][/h2] This is why I go to work* every day. [list] [*] You can finally eat the apples for some health back. Or feed others apples if that's what you're into. [*] Since I gave people mouths, I had to give them kisses too. Because that's what I'm into. [/list] *[i]The term "work" legally implies some form of compensation. This game hasn't earn me jack squat.[/i]