
[b]VERSION[/b] * Added new Tutorial. * Added Bandit Leather Armour. * Added new leather armour model for the Axe Bandit. * Added Sprint Toggle option. * Added Equipment Overview tab in the Inventory. * Added animations for each page of the Plinth UI. * Added UI for the Player's current Blood Thistle currency. * Added subtle fade-in on Main Menu. * Added Colour Blindness Settings. * Added new damage numbers. * Added UI scaling for smaller resolution monitors. * Redesigned Hit-stop mechanic. * Redesigned Quick Menu. * Redesigned Spell Assign menu in Plinths. * Redesigned Tutorial hint UI. * Redesigned Staffs and Spell Casting control system. * Revised weapon effectiveness modifiers. * Healing less than a full chunk (up to max Health) now only spends the equal percent of Energy. * Staffs are now limited to 2 Spell slots. * Items are now limited to 2 slots. * Weapon effectiveness now works off the Armour's individual stats, instead of the Armour Type. * Weightless Armours now provide a much faster Dash Cooldown. * Village Executioner attack damage increased. * Enemy Ai now facilitates 1v1 combat when multiple enemies are active. * Walking animations now smoothly stop when Ai stops moving. * Locking on now displays Enemy Health bar. * Plinth menu can now be closed with the Escape key. * Weapon viewmodels more reliably avoid clipping into geometry. * Weapon & Staff slots no longer re-order when swapping. * UI button prompts now update when Gamepad is used. * Health and Energy UI now independently resize. * Changed locked door text to "Locked from the other side". * Changed Item Slots to 2. * Changed various UI button icons to improve clarity. * Changed jumping technicals and feel. * Changed Volume sliders to display integer values, and improved menu formatting. * Changed teleporting to sliding for Tutorial message popups. * Improved base Healing Rate. * Improved reliability of blood splatter particles. * Improved Enemy Ai hearing sounds functionality. * Improved readability and formatting for Inventory Slots. * Improved Equipped Icon indication within the Inventory. * Adjusted landing head-bob. * Adjusted Sword, Axe and Glaive Bandit attack damage. * Adjusted delay before lock-on breaks. * Adjusted Tutorial Spirit projectile speed. * Adjusted boundary of knock-down Ladder interaction hitbox. * Adjusted Spellbinding additions. * Removed cooldown on swapping Weapon slots. * Removed "ArmourType" stat for Armours. * Removed the Type Icon from Spell slots in Plinth Spell Assign menu. * Fixed technicals intended to avoid acquiring duplicate items. * Fixed formatting bugs with Plinth Spell Assign menu. * Fixed jumping cancelling Sprint. * Fixed elements of the previous save file being carried over into a New Game. * Fixed Physical Defence not incrementing upgrade cost. * Fixed Ladder in the Cathedral Bell Tower. * Fixed light colour for Spell particles. * Fixed NPC Speech sound all playing at once when reloading an NPCs Dialogue. * Fixed Magic projectiles still hitting dead NPCs. * Fixed Tutorial Cathedral not removing items from the second or third slots. * Fixed Tutorial hints not showing correct key mappings. * Fixed issues with resetting default keybindings and missing actions. * Fixed UV errors in Cathedral Bell Tower. * Fixed many, many sound effects not being affected by volume controls. * Fixed collision in windows along Cathedral Bell Tower hallway. * Fixed inconsistency between Cathedral in Intro Cinematic and gameplay level. * Fixed collision on Cathedral steps in Tutorial. * Fixed Tutorial text teleporting player into the wall. * Fixed bug in the Settings menu allowing no limit to keys bound to a single action. * Fixed save game trigger activating more than once. * Fixed bug allowing Blood Thistle to be repeatedly reclaimed. * Fixed Sprint cancelling when attempting to attack, cast or parry with no weapon. Thanks for playing.