【赛季模式】Ver.1128 Hotfix更新内容

江湖客栈-The Jianghu

Hey,you! This is not a place where the Beggar's can come in and beg for help! Without 100k silver coins, never think you can use our "Jianghu Inn" sign. what? Surprisingly, we managed to get together! Do you really want to give it a try?

[h2]服务器兹定于2024年11月28日(周四)11点开始维护更新,本次更新预计60-180分钟。更新前30分钟和更新期间游戏将无法登录,请大家在更新结束之后再进行游戏,给您带来的不便敬请谅解。[/h2] [h3]修复内容: 1.修复了高级御将值覆盖导致更新前的高级御将值不显示的问题,更新后将会正确 显示; 2.修复了鬼谷药匣无法批量使用的问题。[/h3]