Ver 1.016 - Hard Mode Released!

Gunslinger Nova

A top-down, 2d space-shooter that pits the user against swarms of alien ships from other dimensions. Destroy all enemies and portals as fast as possible. Battle increasingly tougher enemies through 40 Campaign levels and Endless Mode!

Reach difficulty 5 in Endless Mode to unlock Hard Mode, which is similar to Normal Mode except the enemies now shoot back. Muhaha! - removed main menu background images - updated main menu particle VFX - fixed a bug with spawner spawn rate - added [color=#FF0000]Hard Mode[/color] - removed the old backgrounds and replaced with particle systems Ver 1.016.001 - fixed a bug with enemies shooting in normal mode - fixed a bug to switch back to normal mode when resetting progress - fixed a bug with enemy missile trails - fixed a bug on loadout screen where clicking projectile (missiles) select did not scroll to selected projectile - fixed a bug where low health warning was blinking too fast - removed SFX when selecting game mode that is already selected - fixed a bug where shield stats allowed purchase when shield not owned - fixed a bug with reset progress not properly resetting level menuitems - swapped positions of Stats and Loadout menu buttons Ver 1.016.002 - converted xp from int to long - fixed a bug where level scrollview was not resetting to the top when resetting progress - fixed a bug where extra clicking was happening when opening Settings menu - fixed a bug where Hard Mode leaderboards were not being reset when resetting progress - fixed a bug where unable to select normal mode from hard mode - fixed a bug with level menuitems loading after level complete Ver 1.016.003 - increased damage of small slugs Ver 1.016.004 - opened up Hard Mode so it is no longer necessary to clear Normal Mode to unlock - increased damage of enemy projectiles and explosions - fixed a bug where tooltips were not snapping to mouse after playing hard mode then hovering over tool tip items in main menu - fixed a bug where switching between hard and normal mode and back again caused issues with the loading of Endless Mode leaderboard - updated Hard Mode info on Help page Ver 1.016.005 - recoded leaderboard loading - fixed a bug with leaderboard loading