Ver. 1.0.7

Dungeons of the Obelisk

A 2D Turn-Based Dungeon Crawling, Loot Grinding Adventure!

Ver. 1.0.7 Added the new artifact "Pendant of Void" that can provide up to 25 Dexterity per player level along with up to 10% Dodge Chance. (This will replace the "Mask of Taku-Ra" in the shop for a time until an upcoming shop update to improve the curios tab.) Fixed an issue where profile could not calculate legendary artifact stat bonuses. Fixed an issue where beating a dungeon could cause the screen to show the loot reward and return to town menus at the same time. Fixed issues where Astrolabes would not track time progressed correctly while a player was logged in. Added a time tracker while in town to Astrolabes, the tracker is viewed when the cursor hovers over the Astrolabes on the top of the UI. Updated the paragon UI menu so it no longer falls off it's boundary.