Venus: Improbable Dream is coming to consoles November 12th!

Venus: Improbable Dream

Born with a birth defect that he hates, Kakeru struggles with severe anxiety and depression. Guide his timid decisions as he takes a brave step into a new world - joining his school's music club, making unexpected and inspiring new connections, and daring to dream again.

[b]Hello gamers! It's Venus: Improbable Dream developer Borealis here, and I have some wonderful news: In collaboration with East Asia Soft and Rataliaka Games, Venus: Improbable Dream will be releasing on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4 and PS5 on November 12th 2021! [/b] The release will see modification to the GUI and menu controls, as well as some lovely new artwork! [b]Check out the East Asia Soft showcase below to see all the info for yourself - Venus: Improbable Dream is in the second half![/b] [previewyoutube=mrFMEuhigoQ;full][/previewyoutube] I'm so excited for our community to expand! If you want to experience our story via console, or know someone that would, mark November 12th on your calendar and spread the word! [b]Borealis[/b]