With this update of [b]VEGAS 20[/b], create multiple smart masks on one image for creative editing, transfer text properties between text events, and dock windows far more easily and intuitively. Several other improvements accelerate and stabilize your editing process. Upgrade now to see the difference! If you already own version 20, it’s a free update. [h2]Multiple Smart Masks[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43097499/37d0070b11f1aedf0461400b69dd782cc54dad83.gif[/img] [h3]Create and apply multiple masks to a video frame with multiple objects, each with its own masking controls.[/h3] [h2]Transfer Text properties[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43097499/1c3ebdb3146dba33602b6e252a5e32e6b9095d42.gif[/img] [h3]Instantly apply the characteristics of one text event to all other text events on the same track to update all of your text in one operation.[/h3] [h2]Window docking improvements [/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43097499/c1e84ef392b033313536aa4852842e134b322688.gif[/img] [h3]Improvements to the window docking feature make it much easier to accurately customize your window layout. [/h3] [h2]Import Mocha shape data[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43097499/b5f0a66400050b544a1e155322e10725838a825b.jpg[/img] [h3]Track the shape of an object with Mocha, then import shape data into the VEGAS Motion Tracking workflow and to Bézier Mask.[/h3] [h2]RAW processing with CUDA[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43097499/2765675a7c3786bd2b6a36d9195163cfe8634033.jpg[/img] [h3]CUDA processing enables VEGAS to take advantage of the native API of NVIDIA GPUs. This further accelerates RAW processing for real-time preview, reduces rendering times, and improves stability.[/h3] [h2]The update also brings other new features and improvements. The full list of changes can be found in the patch notes:[/h2] [expand type=details] [h2]Features[/h2] [list] [*]Transfer Text properties [*]Multiple Smart Masks [*]Window docking improvement [*]Improvements to the Welcome screen [*]Select a device for RAW processing [*]Smart Mask generated shape improvements [*]New Sharp Model for Upscale plugin [*]Import Mocha shape data into the VEGAS Motion Tracking workflow and to Bézier Mask [*]RAW processing with CUDA [/list] [h2]Fixes and Improvements[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed incorrect interpretation of some parameters for some effects from Boris [*]Aspect ratio handling in the Picture-in-Picture plugin now works as expected [*]Swap Video Files functionality now available in the Brazilian Portuguese version of VEGAS Pro [*]Fixed code issue which may cause a crash when loading the still image plugin [*]Closing the Bezier Mask window now properly exits edit mode [*]Smart Mask now properly listed as an AI effect [*]Record time indicator in the status bar is no longer cut off when the amount of available time is very large [*]Option to show CPU, Memory and Disk usage while playing back is now available via a Display Preference [*]Welcome screen now remembers the last play it opened a project from when using the “Open Existing Project” button [*]Upscale OFX now works properly the first time is it added to an event from the Plug-in Chooser [*]Fixed glitches in the Picture-in-Picture plugin when scaling [*]Fixed focus issues for controls in the Color Grading panel [*]Timeline size is properly set when opening a project [*]Prevention of keyframes from accidentally being created. [*]Fixed undo buffer error when using Smart Mask and Bezier Mask [*]When adding media to timeline via Windows Explorer will not appropriately match the media and project settings when the user is prompted [*]Style Transfer no longer fails on some NVidia GPUs [*]Can now deselect item in the Explorer window after doing a Ctrl+A command [*]Tags box in the Project Media window now properly displays text [*]Fixed crash which may occur when removing Track FX [*]Improved modeling for Colorization FX [*]Selectively Past Attributes no longer incorrectly copies Crop FX parameters [*]Fixed issue which could cause a crash on startup [*]Properly read spherical metadata in files which contain it [*]Hub explorer buttons no longer get cut off on left side panel when item names are too long [*]Fixed problem which caused some VST plugins to hang or crash the application [/list] [/expand] [h1]GET VEGAS TODAY:[/h1] Have questions or need help? [url=][/url] Share and learn: share your experiences with users around the world! [url=][/url]