Walk-n-talk adventure with light puzzling. Brother and sister practice cannibalism after witnessing a botched satanic ritual.
[h3]Kit9 Update - Slight Price Increase[/h3]
There is a 30 day restriction on discounts following a rise in price, which creates some conflicts.
A slight price increase was originally intended to be done alongside major releases, but we don't know far enough in advance with our next major release to plan around this window. It could create disruptions in our discount schedule or force a delay in release to avoid it.
To side step the problem, it's been decided to do the next planned price increase far in advance and increase future discounts for the time being.
The game is currently on sale for a few more days, and we will update the price when it concludes.
[h3]Author's Inane Blabber[/h3]
Though it may not feel so, last year was my most productive year yet when it comes to developing this game. Oohlalaa! Look at all the nothing I have to show for it!!
No matter. Here be some numbers.
[b]Episode 1:[/b]
[*] 90 CGs.
[*] One hour of content.
[b]Episode 2:[/b]
[*] 230 CGs.
[*] Two hours of content.
[b]Episode 3a:[/b]
[*] 580+ CGs.
[*] Six hours of content.
This totals to [u]nine hours[/u] of content with [u]900+ CGs[/u].
Please pretend to care. I have nothing else to tell you.
Developing this game is a mighty uneventful affair on my end (in a good way). There's very little, if any, variation to the pipeline. Just setting up scenes, making art, setting up scenes, making art, setting up scenes, making art, setting up scenes, making art, setting up scenes, making art... [One year later:] Setting up scenes, making art, setting up scenes, making art.......
It's fun, but nothing much to write about. Why do you think the devlog format stopped? There's nothing to report.
[h3]Episode Preview Clip[/h3]
This month I grant you the opportunity to ask questions about the game and its story if you wish.
If you're interested, you can leave your questions in this month's discussion topic [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2378900/discussions/0/594010977920433056/]here[/url]. Should you not want to leave a question yourself, you can badge other people's questions to indicate you too would like to know the answer.
I'll see which ones I can answer and include in next month's update.
And let's get this one out of the way, so you can ask actual questions.....
[b]Q:[/b] Release when!?!?
[b]A:[/b] February 30th.
Happy New Year and mischievous regards,
Author, The Deliverer of Nothing
[h3]Relevant Links[/h3]
[*] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2378900/discussions/0/594010977920433056/]Discussion Thread[/url]
[*] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2378900/discussions/1/]Technical Support[/url]
[*] [url=https://youtu.be/ANImo_0F91k]YouTube Clip[/url]