Valfaris post: Meet the boss: Itnan

Slain: Back from Hell

Slain: Back from Hell. A heavy metal inspired arcade combat with puzzle elements and gore galore. Stunning visuals and true old school gameplay accompanied by the most metal soundtrack you've ever heard.

[img][/img] Say 'hi' to Itnan – one of the bosses you'll encounter as you battle your way through Valfaris. Inhabiting the 'Tombs' of Valfaris, Itnan is armed with a rather large, and very dangerous, railgun. But there's more to fear about Itnan than just his enormous firearm – he has the ability to transform into a swarm of deadly bugs, so that's something you'll definitely want to watch out for. For a clearer look at Itnan, here he is without the background: [img][/img] Until next time! Matt | Big Sugar