
Orbt XL

Defy Gravity! Orbt XL is an intense, addictive and fun 'just-one-more-round' score chaser. Perfect for playing while waiting in queue for another game.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28434536/760aedfab0c3b14f9d6dc14af2005a2875a58451.gif[/img] [h1]Patch Notes:[/h1] -Resolved an issue where some high scores weren't posting correctly -Resolved minor issue where several menu sounds weren't activating correctly -Powerups now collide with enemies and explode instead of overlapping -Changed a number of buttons in various languages thanks to community feedback -Resolved proper icon in game and on Steam -New double check in place to grab achievements that didn't properly activate. -Resolved GFX issue with Unity and Some Linux systems not properly operating. Thank you to everyone for playing and sharing the game with your friends and family I appreciate your support immensely. If you are enjoying my games, make sure to leave brief Steam Reviews and let others know to check them out, this is incredibly helpful for us small developers to get discovered by more players. :) Adam Nickerson [url=https://store.steampowered.com/dev/nickervisionstudios/]Follow Nickervision Studios on Steam[/url] [url=http://discord.gg/nickervision]Join the Discord[/url]