v7.41 Multiplatform Streaming & QoL Update

Stream Avatars

Stream Avatars is a content creation tool for live video broadcasting that adds flair to your video to promote viewer engagement and channel growth! Viewers can also spend their hard-earned stream currency on avatar customizations.

[code] -ADDED multiplatform streaming. Login Details > Enable > go through each service adding them as you want. (please report any issues you notice) -ADDED temporary gear equipping. example: !change nightbot avatar block_man 10 (this will force nightbot to use block_man for 10 seconds, this will override any as cost, gift, or status requirements that nightbot is missing) using 0seconds or 9999999 seconds will result in infinite duration until app restart. (This should be fun for custom redemptions!) -CHANGED maximum despawn timer limit from 3600 to 36000 -CHANGED all services now have despawn seconds (regardless of spawning mode) -CHANGED improvements to viewer select / gift tools, QOL -ADDED Lua Scriptiing > User.follower, User.Subscriber, User.Moderator -ADDED Lua Scripting > keepAlive() - see example in discord LUA-DOCS channel -ADDED Lua Scripting Event > platformDonation - see example in discord LUA-DOCS channel -ADDED Lua Scripting user > chatBubble('your message here') will create a chat bubble on an avatar. -ADDED Lua Scripting user > setTemporaryAvatar, setTemporaryColor, setTemporaryGear, setTemporaryNametag (allows to change a user's items for x seconds. see LUA DOCS) -FIXED nametags with spaces in name -FIXED lootbox quick-add items named with spaces -FIXED Command !freeze default sprite -FIXED blacklist remove command wasnt working -FIXED whitelist remove command wasnt working -FIXED mod remove command wasnt working -FIXED MacOS file browser not working in latest 64bit. (things like sound imports, image imports etc.) -FIXED Trovo sub/follow detection might not have worked because the chattoken was for bot oauth [/code]