v3.1 Numerical adjustments (2/1)

Last Devil - Family Friendly

You are the Demon Lord Kuro on a mission to protect demonkind. Use your abilities to capture and ensnare others. Tumble with different personalities in this 2D rogue-lite shooter!

[h2]1. Flying Spirit Stone: Dash CD adjustment, Dash activation distance adjustment. 2. Mushroom King Blood return ratio reduced to 12%, blood return skill activation changed to less than 25% blood. 3. Player Monster DNA prop, maximum possession limit changed to Lv8, and adjust the ability provided by each level.[/h2] [h3]Thank you all for your many comments! We have seen a lot of feedback about the game balance and some of the flaws. We are very sorry that we have not been able to make corrections in time, we will give priority to the main body of the game and the plot, when all systems, gameplay and levels are completed, we will do more detailed optimization in general. Please look forward to it! [/h3]