Alice's World is a story-driven 2D adventure puzzle game. Amidst desolate ruins and deserted cities in a world filled with death, the young girl Alice hears "your" voice from in front of the screen. You must guide her forward, solve the mysteries, and reach the top of the tower.
[h3][b]Update Items:[/b][/h3]
[list][*] Fixed the text overflowing issue in the Japanese localization
[*]Fixed the issue where unable to input names in some cases
[*]Proofreading in Japanese text (Thanks to Nekko for the assistance!)[/list]
[olist][*]Corrected some text errors
[*]Applied appropriate fonts based on language settings
[*]Added functionality to close the item page with C/Tab
[*]Updated death effect visuals
[*]Movement will now begin immediately after dialogue ends when pressing the direction or run buttons
[*]Updated the username from the operating system[/olist]