v1.6.1 Patch Notes


WAVECADE is a sci-fi, arcade-style #shmup where YOU control the speed of the game. Destroy blocks, minions and bosses in style as you collect powerups and avoid hazards. How far can you go?

[list] [*] Arrow particle effect to move up if player is at bottom of the screen. Another particle effect at the top for the player to move down [*] Music playlist page, listen to the soundtracks in the main menu [*] 3D animated galaxy/nebula backgrounds [*] Load galaxy materials/cubemaps/soundtracks on demand (decreases app memory usage) [*] Chill pause music [*] Skins customization (getting Wavecade - Designs Pack unlocks these) [*] Styles customization (getting Wavecade - Ships Pack unlocks these) [*] Monospace score text [*] Block trails optimized and doesn't impact the framerate as much. Always enabled even if "extra visuals" is disabled [*] Ship/propulsion selection is updated when pressed [*] Armor piercing sound improved [*] Remember last game mode when opening Game Rules UI the second time [*] Carnage report page shows overview/details/screenshot [*] Pause menu UI improved [*] Main game UI improved [*] Perks UI improved [*] Ships meshes separated with one submesh per renderer [*] New nade design [*] Sound FX sidechain (ducking) against music [*] Score award improvement [*] Game rules UI now has pagination [*] Looping videos play when play mode option is selected [*] Player is awarded a 1UP after defeating the boss as well as powerups and a score bonus [*] Removed warning in Settings UI if no settings were changed upon exit [*] Fixed alignment issue on "no lives left" UI [*] Fixed UI background issues on some pages [*] Laser particle lifetime based on its angle for consistency [*] Can now highlight reset/play buttons in Custom Game Rules page [*] Fixed jitter on player boundary markers [*] Particle explosion improvements [*] Fixed issue where footer in play menu wasn't visible if there was no carnage report available [*] Fixed issue where player can be hit on the first second the boss fight starts [*] Armor blocks now require the amount of hits to destroy them [*] Tutorial UI pauses if game is paused [/list]