v1.5: Summer Blockbuster Update!

Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever

'Game of the Year' finalist at the 2021 VR Awards and TIGA Awards, ‘Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever’ combines arcade lightgun games with racing mechanics. Headshot combos slow the clock, meaning the most precise shooter is the fastest - challenge the leaderboards with skill, speed, and accuracy.

Hello Zombieland Elite! Thank you all for making the Steam launch of Zombieland: Headshot Fever such a success! We’re very pleased to announce our first update on Steam, which includes another two extended cut levels for your shooting satisfaction. This puts the level count up to 16! There are also new gun skins to win, and a bunch of new gameplay tweaks including buffs to the Z-Hunter revolver and to both SMGs, just in time to welcome the newest zombie on the block - clowns! So get out of the sun and into your headset for the ultimate zombie killing race sport - now improved! (Bonus levels become available when the Zombieland Invitational is unlocked). [b]For this patch (1.5.0):[/b] [h2]Major Additions and Changes[/h2] [list] [*] [b]Two new levels[/b]: [list] [*]Going Spare - there’s a horde of lords in the bowling alley! [*]Clownbusting - Columbus’s revenge! [/list] [*] Clown zombies [i]like you demanded![/i] [*] Four awesome new gun skins [*] High-combo Z-Hunter adrenaline will now last longer -- it’s easier to build up higher combos between reloads [*] High combos with the Zippy and B90 produce more adrenaline, slowing time even more. These SMGs are now great for erasing large groups of weak zees! [/list] [h2]Small Tweaks[/h2] [list] [*] Adrenaline grey-out visual effects improved in a number of levels [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] ‘TP Farm’ level has stairwalking zombies fixed [*] The Thrower in ‘New Guy’s House’ can now trigger adrenaline [*] Colour banding fixed [*] Fixed a skinning issue for B250 [*] Mission summary screen now fades out properly [*] Fixed an audio issue when watching cutscenes from the ‘Memories’ menu [*] Additional bugs squashed and improvements made across the board [/list]