v1.21 Bug Fixes

Kindergarten 2

Welcome to Kindergarten 2, which takes place on Tuesday! After the events of Monday, you'll find yourself in a new school with new friends...and new ways to get ruthlessly murdered.

Got a lot of stuff still on the back burner, but I promise the fixes will keep coming. v1.21 -Fixed Nugget mission starting in final mission during recess. -Fixed Jerome still walking out at the end of the day after being chased out of gym. -Fixed being able to change lesson plan during morning time. -Fixed wording on Buggs in gym to indicate that he wants cherry soda. -Fixed Monstermon hint for Treasure Chest card. -Fixed being able to get out of bounds in the girls' bathroom. -Fixed Monty suddenly appearing by handicap ramp. Other -Added Stevie dialogue to suggest he re-locks the door when leaving with Ms. Applegate during Nugget mission. -Changed appearance of Monstermon unlock notification to match other Monstermon menus. -Moved outfit unlock notification to be above Monstermon unlock notification to prevent overlap. -Adjusted Monstermon discard animations to be smoother. -Various spelling and grammar fixes.