
Melody Mania

Let your talent shine when you sing along your favorite songs in this fun party game! A variety of modes let you play with friends or compete against them. An open song format and AI powered editor tools provide boundless possibilites.

Highlights include: [list] [*] Modding support via runtime loaded [url=https://melodymania.org/how-to-mods]C# scripts[/url]. [*] More efficient handling of large song libraries. [*] Theme files can reference style sheets, for more control over UI elements. [*] Option for folder-based navigation of songs. [*] Option to load songs on-demand (experimental). [*] Option to search MIDI files with lyrics. [*] Fix song not saved correctly in song editor [*] Fix crash when scrolling through songs that require libVLC to play. [*] Lots of minor fixes and improvements. For details, see the corresponding channel on Discord. [/list] Happy Singing!