v1.02 11th February 2016

Tactical Soccer The New Season

Tactical Soccer The New Season is a turn-based soccer simulation. Control all 11 players at the same time - instead of shouting at your left back to ‘get forward’ you control them and can build up an attack exactly how you want. You are the coach and have real control of the team.

Thanks again to the community for the feedback. This update adds two things - Volley/Snapshots and Player Orders. [h1]Volleys/Snapshots[/h1] These work just the same as headers. Using the heading button (now Heading / Volley button) select the player and then click where you want them to volley the ball to. Click Set Target to lock in the direction. Pass or shoot the ball to them at power and they will attempt to volley the ball in the direction you've set. If the ball's too high they will of course attempt to head it. If the player attempts a volley their skill level will decide whether they are successful or not. Warning an uncontrolled volley can end up going anywhere! [h1]Player Orders[/h1] To reduce the number of orders you have to give your players each turn you can now give a player specific orders which they will carry out every turn until you tell them otherwise or play stops. The orders are divided into two groups: [b]Defending[/b] - orders for when you are defending (your team does not have the ball or the opposition are closest to the ball) [b]Attacking[/b] – orders for when your team has the ball or are closest to it. For example you tell your player that when you are defending they should man mark the opposing player number 15. At the start of each turn (orders phase) when you are defending that player will be automatically given movement instructions to move near to player number 15. As you are in orders phase you can change the order/cancel the order or just give a fresh movement command if you wish. However if you are happy with your player order just end the turn and away they will go hounding player 15. [b]The Player Orders Panel[/b] Press the new Orders button on the Formation Panel or press the V key to display the Player Orders Panel. Select whether you want to give orders for when the player is defending or attacking by pressing the Attack or Defence button. To set an order just select your player and the order. For some orders (such as man mark) you'll then have to select the shirt number of the player you want them to interact with (the shirt numbers are at the bottom of the panel). You can suspend or activate orders by clicking the player's Yes/No button in the Active column. Player orders will be suspended automatically if you override an existing player order or when play stops (e.g. for a goal kick). Note: you can't give Player Orders to goalies as they are already automatically controlled by the computer. [b]Orders for When You Are Defending[/b] Here are the orders for when you are Defending... None – clears any orders for that player Man Mark – The player will follow them trying to stay between them and your goal. You'll have to select the shirt of the opposing team player that you want to mark. Man Mark Close -The player will follow them closely trying to stay between them and your goal. You'll have to select the shirt of the opposing team player that you want to mark. Keep in Line – Keep in line with the nominated player. You'll have to select the shirt of the team mate the player should keep in line with. Useful for defenders – keeping the defensive line. Halfway Line – Move to the halfway line. Useful for getting the strikers to automatically fall back when they are defending. Defend Deep - Move back beyond the halfway line. Useful for getting the strikers to automatically fall back and defend deep. Follow Ball – If the ball is between you and YOUR GOAL fall back to just behind the ball. Useful to get midfielders to follow the play when the ball is behind them. [b]Orders for When You Are Defending[/b] Here are the orders for when you are Attacking... None – clears any attacking orders for that player Man Mark – The player will follow them trying to stay between them and your goal. You'll have to select the shirt of the opposing team player that you want to follow. Man Mark Close -The player will follow them closely trying to stay between them and your goal. You'll have to select the shirt of the opposing team player that you want to follow. Halfway Line – Move to the halfway line. Useful for getting the defenders to automatically move up the field to support your attack. Defend Deep - Move back beyond the halfway line. Useful for getting the defenders to automatically move up the pitch but still defend deep. Follow Ball – If the ball is between you and the OPPOSITION GOAL move forward to just behind the ball. Useful for midfielders. Wing Attack – If the ball is in front of you move out to the wing and keep in line with the ball. Support Player - The player will stay just behind a team mate. You'll have to select the shirt of the team mate you wish to support. Left (Support Player) – you will support your team mate but stay to the left. Right (Support Player) - you will support your team mate but stay to the right. I'll be shortly uploading a couple of videos showing the new features in action. Thanks again for the feedback.