V1.01 is now available

Alekhine's Gun

It is the height of the Cold War, a time of global uncertainty and civil unrest. You are Agent Alekhine, a highly skilled Russian assassin, driven by a moral compass that leads you headfirst into a covert operation unsanctioned by the country you previously served.

Fixes have been applied to the following issues: [list] [*]Some common crashes [*]Unable to initialize game because of remote controlled mouse [*]Unable to use spare clothes on “Check and Mate” level [*]Camera out of screen on the first level [*]Character offset during takedown animations [*]Elevator doors disappearing [*]Some Russian localization errors [*]Stuck on ladder on the first level [*]In “You Only Live Twice” mission, the "sleeping" soldier facing the locked door to the doctor's office can still see you. [*]Bodies killed by accidents now don’t counted as “Found bodies” [*]Zones balanced on some levels [*]Photo camera appearing near ladder after cutscene played on “Angels of Texas” mission [/list] Thanks for your support. We hope you enjoy the game.