An action game set in the Ancient China, bringing players addictive experiences with its unique Chinese traditional art-style and sound design.
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Update Notes
1. 修复习得“流萤”或“星辉”技能后,季姜在空中使用闪避打断释魄或赤霄空中连招的次数未作限制的bug。
Fixed bug when "Sidestep" or "Starshine" is unlocked, "Shuffle" should not cancel Ji's air combo attacks without being limited by the maximun number of times she can evade in the air.
2. 优化跳跃操作手感,将短按跳跃键的最小跳跃上升时间从0.1秒提升到0.2秒。(长按跳跃键的最大上升时间和高度都未作改动)
Polished jumping control, increased the minmum jumping time from 0.1 second to 0.2 second.(Didn't change the maximun jumping time and height)
3. 优化季姜进入防御动作的动作节奏表现,并优化防御和完美防御判定精确度。
Polished both the animation presentation and accuracy of the "Precision Strike"(Perfect Guard).