V1.0.1.2 更新公告20240312

Girls of The Tower

This is a Rogue-like game with a combination of JRPG, auto chess, and galgame elements. Players can choose from two different female protagonists to embark on a unique adventure. Additionally, players can recruit followers, strategize their formations, and develop their town!

[h2]系统优化与修复[/h2] [list] [*] 棋子信息面板优化 [*] 设置界面新增分辨率和全屏模式选项 [*] 冒险团和角色养成界面天赋顺序调整 [*] 同时领取任务时奖励重复问题修复 [/list] [h2]棋子调整[/h2] [b]莱丝丽:[/b] [list] [*] 鹰身女妖:被动:攻击会对敌人造成刺羽。主动:释放技能时会移除所有敌人身上的刺羽并造成真实伤害 [/list]