V0.7.4.1 Update


JIANGHU CHRONICLES is a Wuxia-themed clan simulator, which focuses on simulating Jianghu clans and experiencing realistic battle. Set up a clan of your own, recruit disciples, complete missions... And eventually make your clan second to none by improving its power and reputation.

[h3]Notice: EA Version & Free Trial Version support Chinese languages only. We will try to add more languages in the future.[/h3] [h3]If you find any bug or have any opinion while playing, please send your feedback here. Thanks for your support and cooperation! The development team consists of only 2 people from start to finish. Monthly update is ensured. Thanks for your understanding![/h3] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1909840/discussions/0/4517758247948996935/]https://steamcommunity.com/app/1909840/discussions/0/4517758247948996935/[/url] [b]【新增内容】[/b] ·新增建筑迁移功能 ·新增任务不再过回合,同回合可以执行多个任务 ·新增回合快进功能,最多支持快进十二个月,并支持停止快进条件 ·野外采集物品增加生长周期,并提高采集的数量 ·新增杀手悬赏任务(解锁锦绣阁声望后开启) ·新增破招(完美格挡)快速连按惩罚机制 ·新增宝物系统(旧档需要拆除旧的铸造铺,建造新铸造铺支持打造宝物) ·新增橙色护,护甲词条栏位,并永久移除护甲耐久 ·新增符箓系统(为护甲和宝物提供词条效果,需要建造炼丹房) ·新增教程菜单中各种特殊效果的说明 备注:拳脚相关的宝物和符箓正在研发,下个版本将实装拳脚等 [b]【修复内容】[/b] ·修复解救任务人物跑步动画问题 ·修复AI和操控者自动模式下蓄力必定攻击卡死 ·修复大地图界面门派武学和谈判交涉的武学不匹配 ·修复派遣阵法可以在历练选人那里出现 ·修复鸟类遇到操控者不飞离 ·修复玩家门派供奉银两不对 ·修复剧情走路动画问题 ·修复藏经阁研发不会出现部分武学 ·修复攻击木人桩伤害数值问题 ·修复释放霹雳弹,飞刀释放时机错误 [b]【调整优化】[/b] ·调整吃药显示弟子的按属性排序 ·优化队友AI行为机制 ·修改无米之炊,改为打造兵器所需的首类材料减少一个 ·优化农田、木枋等收获类建筑的弟子特性排序靠前 ·调整江湖试炼为每年一月出现,并且期限为一年 ·移除设置里旧档一键还原按钮 [b]下个版本部分内容预告:[/b] 拳脚掌指以及相关的内外功等