

Pixelpusher is a drone-based team combat game that elevates movement and positioning above all else. Control space and manage risk with every move of your drones. Play capture the flag with up to 32 players.

Balance [list][*] Increase drone dash efficiency (0.35 -> 0.45)[list][*] To compensate for a previous decrease in drone top speed[/list][/list] Bots [list][*] Add minor variation to target drone position[/list] Visuals [list][*] Add option for viewing team colors absolutely or relatively[list][*] Absolute: color left team reddish, right team blueish[*] Relative: color allies blueish, enemies reddish[*] View team colors absolutely by default[*] Color your own entities as gold when on team red (instead of teal on team blue)[/list][*] Flash flags carried by overseers when picking up or dropping flags[*] Slightly increase size of minimap[/list] UI / Controls [list][*] Automatically attract drones to the mouse cursor by default[list][*] To help out newbies[*] Also rename “invert left mouse button” client option to “drone control”[/list][*] Enable setting drone control options from in-game[list][*] By splitting out drone control options from custom keybindings[/list][*] Remember and restore navigation positions for some menus[*] Hide mouse cursor in menus[/list] Tutorialization [list][*] Show a “loading screen” at the start of each game[list][*] To show newbies the team colors[/list][*] Add a tip about charging drone dash to avoid flying your own drones into your own psionic storms[*] Disable in-game tutorial in multiplayer games[*] Adjust in-game tutorial and full tutorial[/list] Other [list][*] Minor optimizations[/list]