v0.4.1 Update


OpenGloves is an open source, OpenVR Driver that allows for use of DIY Virtual Reality Hardware in SteamVR games.

Driver v0.4.1 is here! Changes: Driver: * Serial and Bluetooth will now reconnect automatically if the glove was disconnected or was connected late * Baud rate is now configurable (Thanks @noob247365) * Driver now parses GLTF files for hand animations, this should mean that the quality of the hand animations should be functionally the same as the index controller (we're using the same animations) * 4095 is now the default max analog value (**NOTE**: Arduino users may need to change back to 1023) UI * Added "functions" in the UI: * Added a method to trigger auto pose calibration from the UI, in addition to the calibration button * Added methods to retract/extend Force Feedback servos from the UI * Boolean values are now checkboxes instead of True/False selects This build is live on Steam now! Alternatively, you can download the build via GitHub (though not recommended): https://github.com/LucidVR/opengloves-driver/releases/tag/v0.4.1 Let us know what you think!