v0.14.00 is now live - Demo also updated


Do you like to burn things? We do! A combat turn-based RPG / strategy game. About burning down the world...

Added option to turn off auto focus on unit whose turn it is. Many more skills and strategies added to the encounters. Wolves will encircle you, Elves will use Hotstep to get away from you, Milita will Defend and Rotate and fight close together, Demons will mock you, Dwarfs will form a gunline... (And many more) Vastly improved the Specialisation process. Hot tip show the details of the profession you are choosing. Tutorial added. New Fly skill! Any creature that can fly can take to the skies (100 AP). It is off the battlefield in all respects. On it's next turn it can return to any square... The way spreading fire works has been rewritten. It will now take notice of weather conditions, any terrain present (e.g Bushes burn more easily than rocks) etc. Be careful setting Hell on fire, fire will spread rapidly! Armour vs Penetration rewritten. Penetration is now about half as effective as before. (The most basic of hammers were pretty much ignoring heavy armour, and basic swords were terrible) Rewrote Outnumberd and Surrounded combat boosts - should be more difficult to get the (very important) Surrounded modifier. You now need to have an ally on the opposite side, or adjactent to claim the bonus. (e.g. if you are West of the enemy, you will need an ally East, North-East, or South-East) Added background pictures to all the inventory screens - some of the dark weapons were hard to see. Legendary items get a nice gold version too. Archers (Bow only) can now Indirect fire instead. Fire up and over, rather than direcly at enemy. It is much less accurate, but ignores blocking terrain. Can't be used underground. New Legendary only item - Repeater crossbow. Fire 3 bolts at once. Loot screen - fixes and now has sliders so you can see all your inventory. Many traits and skills renamed to avoid confusion - e,g Brave skill is now Battle Hardened. Should avoid confusion when you used to have the Brave Skill and the Coward Trait... New details added to F2 screen about character classes. (Free skills and characteristic boosts) New Skillpedia, added - F3 hotkey. Shows all skills and descriptions in alphabetical order. Fire and poison gas bombs fixed Fixed Stun and Bleed modifiers for weapons. They are now shown on the tooltips also. Skill changes - balancing. Flame Acolyte/Adept/Priest. For winning key missions God will promote you up the ranks. Each gives you a few spells and +10 mana, regardless of class. To be made an acolyte, you need to win a mission of difficulty 6+. (e.g any dungeon finale) To be made an adept, you need difficulty 8+ (Destroying a city) To be made a priest you need to defeat one of the 10 encounters (Pyramid finale, Dwarf/ Elf cities etc) Hell battlefield graphics redone with a darker theme. New lake and lava graphics. New elf pics. New pics for a lot of the common / tier 1 weapons. What's next? Balancing is the main focus now. I've been playing a few hours now and really enjoying, but some encounters are far too difficult. Features next on list: Messages from God demanding more action F1 context sensitive help Use Gold to make sacrifices to God Tier 3 professions to be completed (They are just the same as their level 2 at the moment) Endgame stuff Steam Achievements