v0.11.00 is now live


Do you like to burn things? We do! A combat turn-based RPG / strategy game. About burning down the world...

Bug fixes and optimisations... Complete rework of the desert biome (it's been sadly neglected as my test runs rarely get this far south...) Auto-move to landscape feature re-worked. Last version was prone to loops and getting stuck. You can now also press ESCAPE to cancel auto-move. You can now hold down the mouse button or forwards key to keep moving. Some icons re-done Glory points have been recalibrated. Completing an Ambition early used to mean you could get 3 Glory rewards in a row... Lots of work on enemy AI. You may notice wolves will start to try and surround you, elves will fire and fade, zombies will protect their dark masters.... Lots more to do on this. -- NEXT STEPS -- Will be looking at character progression. I want all the mid level professions (Levels 5-10) to feel unique and worthwhile, and all the high level professions (10+) to have their own unique skill. Will be going through each encounter type to ensure it is interesting and different and fair. Game balancing