v0.10.00 is now live!


Do you like to burn things? We do! A combat turn-based RPG / strategy game. About burning down the world...

Two weeks of changes! Various bugs fixed, and the beginnings of working on balancing the game... Sound Effects! Some turned out not that great, so I am using the ones from Leman instead. Lots of improvements to come. Revamped Combat UI: Coloured border on initiative queue Actions made bigger (can be adjusted on options screen) and moved centrally Option to show enemies/allies (Base tile changes colour) Armour and HP damage now appear together but animate a little slower. (When you hit someone, you see red and black numbers indicating damage done) If all enemies fleeing, get option to end combat. When moving on the strategic map, the scene will animate into place much more quickly. You can now click on a village/dungeon/ruin etc in the distance - you will then auto move towards it. Still needs some work in unusual situations. You will stop if you are adjacent to an enemy. 5 new Traits added. Challenges reworked. (and fixed) I've started making some unique AI code - a lot more to do yet, but you will notice some differences. Militia should begin to act like a unit, for example, while raiders will just charge...