

ARC TCG is a 3D fantasy card game. Build your deck and challenge other players in battles full of surprises. Play smart and crush your opponents with powerful abilities. This game is inspired by more successful TCG titles, but adapted to offer new game strategies.

Hi everyone, in this update we have started a rework for some unbalanced hero, did some improvements/chnages and fixes [h3]Improvements:[/h3] [list] [*] Improved general game security (anti-cheat/anti dumping) [/list] [h3]Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Halved costs in gems to unlock graphic effects on cards and heroes [*] Singleplayer Relaxed mode now give -50% of resources (not experience) then normal (instead no rewards) [/list] [h3]Balance:[/h3] [b]Crescent Moon Wolf (Kreg, King of the Beasts):[/b] Level 1: 1/1, Guard, Charge, Vanish Level 2: 2/1, Guard, Charge, Vanish Level 3: 2/2, Guard, Charge, Vanish Level 4: 3/2, Guard, Charge, Vanish Level 5: 3/3, Guard, Charge, Vanish [b]Demigra, King Bones:[/b] Remove from the game up to 2 cards of your choice from your graveyard. For each Spell removed this way, reduce the cost of all creatures in your hand by 1. For each Creature removed this way, all creatures in your hand gain +(1/1/2/2/3)/+(1/1/2/2/3) Conditions: Turn 3 or later 5 or more cards in your graveyard 1 or more creatures in your hand [b]Ahrkas, Echo of the Dead:[/b] Sacrifices the first creature in your deck by putting it in the graveyard. Add to your hand (1/1/2/2/3) Lost Soul Conditions: Turn 2 or later 1 or more creatures in your deck Lost Soul (Spell): Cost: 0 All Spectres in your hand gain +1/+1. If you have played this Spell at least 4 times in this match, all Spectres in your deck gain +2/+2. If you have played this Spell at least 8 times in this match, all allied Spectres on the battlefield gain +2/+2. If you have played this Spell at least 12 times in this match, reduce the cost of all Spectres in your hand to 0. [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed cards ability not show correctly in overlay when the card is inside graveyard [*] Fixed various translations [/list]