В гру добавлена підтримка Steam Deck!

Football, Tactics & Glory

XCOM meets Football Manager. This game captures the essence of the golden era of football management games rather than modern "spreadsheet simulators". Make impactful decisions instead of getting lost in mundane tasks. It's a football management game that values your time.

Our game was reviewed by Valve and verified for Steam Deck back when this device was released. However, it turned out that despite Valve's verification, the game didn't display controller glyphs. This made playing FTG on the Steam Deck uncomfortable. Some players even [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/375530/discussions/0/3316358999140333385/]found ways[/url] to fix this issue by reconfiguring the controls. For a long time, we couldn't address the problem because our country was in the midst of a war. But recently, we acquired a Steam Deck and finally fixed the game's control system, adding the ability to play on this wonderful device. The update has been added for both the main game and each DLC. Enjoy the game!