v. Battle Axe +8

Wanderlust Adventures

Wanderlust Adventures is an online, free-roaming, open world, action adventure RPG. Join fellow heroes online, explore vast and deadly landscapes, and capture companions to aid you in your quest. Forge powerful items, salvage artifacts, and crush the souls of menacing foes!

NEW: Reduced number of spawn points just outside of the Lich Tower NEW: Added an Earth Golem only spawn to the Overgrowth and Underwood NEW: Sanctuary no longer deals damage by stealing overheal hp BUGFIX: Player dies as soon as they begin the arena in single player BUGFIX: Cannot rename Skelebone Assassin companion BUGFIX: Ice and Explosion Potions do not destroy breakable objects BUGFIX: Omen Beetles die in one hit BUGFIX: Fighting Prowess doesn't increase Physical Resist BUGFIX: Large companions get stuck on Warpstone after warping BUGFIX: Poison Aura (Moonfang) does not work BUGFIX: Blacksmith/Jeweler menus disappear on mouse click BUGFIX: Visual flicker while using mouse in companion list menu [h1]8/16/2015 - v. Battle Axe +7[/h1] NEW: Added new difficulty "Hard" NEW: Balanced The Portal dungeon NEW: Poison Aura status length re-balanced NEW: No longer gain Soul Charges during Ambushes NEW: Reduced the size of some of the dungeon floors (too long) NEW: Chance to drop contract raised from 2% to 5% NEW: Assassin - Confusion now has 50% chance to work (not bosses) NEW: Sorcerer - Increased length of time auras are active NEW: Minion enemies (non-leaders) now stronger based on difficulty BUGFIX: Final Boss has the wrong name (lol) BUGFIX: Exit Rope spawns after killing Final Boss BUGFIX: All-Orange-Gear Achievement unlocked at only 5 oranges BUGFIX: Barrens Quest #2 Ambush can be exploited BUGFIX: Some enemy attack effects cannot be resisted BUGFIX: Skelebone Archer Companion hurts players still BUGFIX: Crusader - Sanctuary spell cost not correct BUGFIX: Clients can still damage blocking/invincible enemies BUGFIX: Bosses sometimes drop broken gear (bugs out inventory) BUGFIX: Assassin - Confusion potion doesn't work at all BUGFIX: Undead Aura - Ally Skeletons do not die clientside BUGFIX: Omen Trident giving an error on destroy