v.120396: Hot Fix

Steel Division 2

Steel Division 2 is a historically-accurate WW2 real-time strategy game set on the Eastern Front. Features 1:1-scale turn-based army management and real-time tactical battles with thousands of men at your order.

[h3]DATA FIXES[/h3] [list] [*] fixed some missing acknows (including new NZ ones) [*] fixed some typos [*] fixed Fs-FÜHRER UHLIG's category, stealth & speed, on par with its non-ace counterpart [*] fixed the American PATHFINDERS (both ATF & 101st)' influence over the frontline [*] increased MG-26(t)'s accuracy from 10 to 15, on par with the Bren buff [*] increased SU-152's HP from 10 to 12, as announced in previous log but forgotten [*] decreased FFI PANZER III H's price from 30 to 25, on par with other such tanks [*] decreased STUART VI's price from 30 to 25, on par with other such tanks [*] unlocked Fs-GrW 120mm for all FJ divisions [*] display KOMANDOSI's missing AP value [*] halved the off-map US 356mm salvo, on par with other super-heavy artillery [*](7AD) removed MOT. RIFLES LDR.'s AP icon (display issue only) [*](2Pz) fixed PANZER IV J's veterancy ratio, on par with other divisions (while keeping the free vet) [*](14ID) unlocked Pak 183(f) 47mm [/list] [h3]ALLIES[/h3] [list] [*] decreased Pe-2-83 (with RBS-132)'s price from 150 to 140 [/list]