URGENT: Matchmaking issues - Working but Unstable until Friday (Free Bits!)


A fast-paced multiplayer shooter where you customize your robot, zoom around with a jetpack, and battle with various weapons. Master the arenas, surprise your enemies, and enjoy the nonstop action!

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/12524389/110c0b7c983580dceff7e395d89cb2eb19a8d7b3.png[/img] Hey everyone! The game is back online, we managed to solve our issues. We may suffer delays until Friday, so please let us know if you're unable to find a match in both US or EU servers. Twitter.com/bitcakestudio Discord.gg/Holodrive As promised, everyone who logs in the game until Monday will receive a free 300 Bits as an apology for this inconvenience :/ We're extremely sorry and hopefully this won't happen again. Best, BitCake Studio Dev Team