Urban Strife @ Scream Fest (Night Combat Sneak Peek)

Urban Strife

Old school TBS, post-apoc survival and RPG. Recruit deranged locals in your militia, ally local factions and fight those you hate. Haul loot back and rebuild your shelter, doctor your wounds, and fix your guns. People need feeding, booze needs brewing and there is an end of the world to enjoy.

Here's another sneak peek of our upcoming title, Urban Strife. This time we're showing a short night fight, to fit the theme of Steam Scream Fest we are attending. Please take this combat with a grain of salt - we've intentionally used a lot of noise makers to draw out the zombies. Do not try this at home, we are professional zombie killers (we also tend to die a lot in our playtesting but we edited out that part). On a serious note, we've completely overhauled our hover information system and we've added a couple of the new voice-overs. You can also see the new plate carrier body armor at work in game. You can check out the pre-recorded dev test on our Steam Store page or on our YouTube channel: [previewyoutube=mWbNFQaBdWo;full][/previewyoutube]